Wynardtage - Praise The Fallen - Silver Edition (the Remixes)

Ano Tamanho Bitrate País Estilo
200770 MBCBR 128AlemanhaEBM


01 cold massive blue (dolls of pain remix)
02 praise the fallen (a7ie remix)
03 it's all coming back (preemptive strike 0.1 remix)
04 feel my silent... (nurzery rhymes remix)
05 walk alone (xentrifuge remix)
06 sterbehilfe (davantage remix)
07 flieh mit mir (la magra remix)
08 feel my silent... (robert dope remix)
09 praise the fallen (garten der asche remix)
10 cold massive blue (kennedy remix)
11 walk alone (cerebral apoplexy remix)
12 in the cold i'm sleeping (polarlicht 4.1 remix)
13 falling down (iinsanity remix)
14 cold massive blue (cephalgy remix)
15 is this the end (may-fly remix)
16 feel my silent... (klaustrophobik remix)


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